Words of the chairman

Dear Friend and Partner,
Leukemias are not just a challenge to society, they are also a significant cost factor due to their frequency in all age groups. Inequalities in recognition, mortality and survival characterize leukemia management and outcome in the European Union and in the world.
It is more important than ever to fight this disease.
At present, there are disparities in both access to treatment and quality of care. The chance to survive greatly depends on where patients are born and live, on the socio-economic groups to which they belong and on the type of leukemia from which they suffer.
The ELN Foundation is a charitable non-profit organization that was created in support of the European LeukemiaNet (ELN) to address these disparities and to improve the care of leukemia patients in Europe and globally.
The ELN Foundation offers access to an alliance of researchers, industry, politicians, patient groups and the medical profession to better understand origin and course of leukemia and to reinvigorate the clinical development of new strategies and drugs.
The ELN Foundation would be extremely grateful for any help you can give, as your contribution and support increases our chance of defeating leukemia.
Yours sincerely
Professor RĂ¼diger Hehlman
Chairman of the ELN Foundation